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El Paso, TX 
Phone: 915-227-3353

Cleveland Slow Roll

There’s been so many amazing rides this first half of the year, including a super fun Binational Bike Month. And, I have not posted any new images. So, I wanted to get back to blogging by posting images of this one amazing ride I did in Cleveland: The Cleveland Slow Roll.

The Slow Roll started in Detroit, and legend has it that it now attracts thousands of riders.  If you check their FB page you’ll see rides with over 4,000 riders.  It has now expanded to other cities in the U.S. and overseas with Slow Rolls in Germany, Sweden, and Iraq. This particular Slow Roll in Cle, had 220 cyclists. It was very well organized, with a great route around the city.  I have to say that the diversity of the group was also very remarkable with people of different ages, ethnic and racial backgrounds and an overall super friendly vibe. 

The Slow Roll is exactly that, a slow roll. It is a very easy pace, family friendly, open to everyone ride, and it happens every Monday during their season. 

Check out their website for more info: